
Monday, July 1, 2013

Don't Judge A Book, Or Person, By A Cover

Just earlier today, I was on Youtube looking around at videos. Then, I come upon on this one video for 'America's Got Talent'.  The act was a very talented man named Andrew who sang like... Amazing! And then I scrolled down to comment on it. But, knowing me, I like to look at the comments. So I scroll down more and I see all these mean and horrible things said about him. A lot of the comments were nice and were like "He's amazing!". But there were as much horrible things said about him. I was just like "Really people?!" D:

So, it made me think of an idea for this post. Anybody know that one line "Don't judge a book by it's cover"? Well, it doesn't just mean certain kinds of books. It means every book.

Everyone is like a book. We're writing out our lives for every second we live. You're even doing it right now just by reading this.

So, why, you may ask, am I posting this? Because it needs to be out there. Everyday, I see and hear people's snarky or just plain rude sayings to certain people. But take a look around. We're all still human, aren't we? Aren't we? Only you can answer that.

I wish the world was colorblind and less prejudice. But I know when that happens we'll be having our heads towards the sky above us looking for pigs.

But please everyone, take a moment right now to look around you and think about it. Aren't we all human?

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