
Friday, August 16, 2013

I'm Learning (sort of) ASL (a.k.a American Sign Language)

Yes... Yes... I know... I'm terrible at blogging. But, I try... I really do. Okay! Story time.

Once upon a time, there was a blogger(a.k.a me) who had spent most of her summer on the internet. About two or three days ago, as she was on Facebook, she had decided "You know... I should learn sign language just so I can just do something at least interesting for my summer." So, she went on Google and looked up websites to help her with that. And now she's finally looking on that website almost everyday for learning sign language by just watching the mini videos for each word on there. The end.

Okay, that was NOT a very interesting story. But! It gives me an excuse. And yes. I have decided to learn sign language... Or, try to.

ASL isn't that hard if you try. All you have to do first is memorize the alphabet. In sign language, a lot of the words use the alphabet. Like the word "Why". Yep...

Well now that THAT'S done, I can go back to that website. Because, what if I meet a deaf person? Alright! Sorry for that little "WTF AM I READING?!" post.


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