
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Friends Really ARE Important

You know what? I've had the most awful weekend in my entire life (Please don't ask). And NOTHING was going right until later today.

The reason why was because I had actual caring friends. They don't live at all near me (As in... Different countries). But that didn't stop them. I was actually upset to the point of crying a little.

And then, I logged onto Facebook and we all started a group chat. They know my personal life and what is going on. So they understood completely. And, they actually made me feel better to the point of getting past my tears of bitterness and hatred to tears of joy and laughter.

And after that, things started to turn around to be better. I love them like family. Heck... We even act as if we're related anyway, despite not living in the same countries.

Friends like that that actually make your day suddenly better like that, whether living in the same country as you or not, are the kind you want to keep. They're going to be the ones that matter to you most of all. Because a good friend will put an arm around you and just tell you it's okay, but a true best friend will hug you (or type that they're hugging you), possibly show that they'll cry with you and make your day better with kind words and funny jokes. :3 Try to aim to make choice one into choice two.

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